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QS3 2021

QMER Strategic Summit 2021: Led by the QMER Steering Committee


The purpose of the inaugural QMER Summer Strategic Summit was to develop a five year plan that is aligned with the Auburn University Strategic Plan and College of Education Vision and Mission. Also, to have a good time.


Broad Aims of QMER for the Next 5 Years:

To be self-sustaining and in a position to generate revenue for EFLT

To raise the profile of EFLT, as promoting rigorous educational research

To pursue collaboration across campus in seeking federal grant funding

To have funded QMER graduate students interested in pursuing graduate work to conduct rigorous empirical educational research

To expand access to publicly available data sources

To further develop Outreach Programming

To expand professional development programming

Goals of the QMER Summer Strategic Summit 2021

1. To collaboratively hone the vision and objective of QMER and to promote student ownership. 2. To develop a funding roadmap for QMER over the next five years.

3. To develop a 1 to 5 year strategic plan for QMER, that promotes statistical thinking, computational science, broader STEM participation.

4. To recognize the contribution of students and faculty to the progress of the learning community over the past two years.


2021 QMER Steering Committee:

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